Random Christmas Acts

Random Acts of Christmas


Sometimes in life the most profound connections happen unexpectedly. When Josh went to work for MCI Carpet One on a cold Thursday morning, he expected that he would have a somewhat ordinary day. That was not the case.


The night before Josh had a dream about his grandfather who had passed away. When he arrived at Good Shepherd Cottages and began replacing carpet in one of the bedrooms, he met Larry, a resident, who reminded him of his grandfather. They formed an instant bond as the two visited and got to know one another while Josh was working. Larry wanted to help so he started taking out scraps of carpet and they engaged in conversation. Larry invited Josh to come to his room to show him his military picture and all of his service medals and Josh thanked him for his service to our country.


By lunchtime, Josh felt a real connection to Larry. He told the staff that Larry had been helping him and that it felt great to know that by helping Larry was feeling purposeful and that he was really enjoying getting to know Larry. He asked the staff what kinds of things that he might like or need. The staff gave him a list and Josh used his lunch hour to go out and buy not a few, but ALL of the items on the list. Larry and the staff were overwhelmed by Josh’s incredible generosity and kindness.


Christmas is the season of giving and this is one shining example of a random act of kindness that had profound impact on everyone involved. We sincerely thank Josh for his selfless gift not only for the items he purchased, but of his time, compassion and love shown to Larry.


Christmas blessings everyone!

8 Comments on “Random Christmas Acts”

  1. Josh is my brother and I am so proud of him! He is a wonderful guy and has a huge heart! Thank you for acknowledging his act of kindness, but I truly believe that Larry touched Josh just as deeply ❤️

  2. Josh and his wife Lacey are two of the most selfless people I have the privilege of knowing. He has an amazing spirit about him and has one of the biggest hearts imaginable. Thank you Josh for being you.

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