Volunteer Services
for Sauk Rapids and
Becker Campuses
for Sauk Rapids and
Becker Campuses
Volunteering brings caring hearts to Good Shepherd. Our friend and loyal volunteer, Tom Lubbesmeier, proves this each day when he says with a smile, “It’s been another good day at the Shepherd!”
Volunteer Opportunities
- Visiting Pets
Dogs, cats and their owners are welcome to come and visit! Pre-visit authorization is required. - Northern Delights Store Assistant
Join our coffee shop team and visit with those coming in to shop, socialize, or help with store-themed special events. - Appointment Escorts
Residents going to appointments feel more secure when an escort is along with for the ride. - Friendly Flock Visitor
Listen to great life stories and share some of your own by visiting and building friendships with those living on campus. - Musical Talent
Come and share your love of music with us! Musicians of all types are welcome. - Activity Assistants and Junior Volunteers Ages 13-17
Assist with daily group activities such as BINGO, bowling, or manicures. - Event Volunteers
Throughout the year we have occassional events at which volunteers are needed. - Volunteer Shoppers
Run light errands based on requests from our residents. - Adopt-A-Household
Your civic or church group will enrich daily life experiences within one of our eight households. Use your ideas to create seasonal fun, play games, and engage with residents as your schedule allows. - Groups & Organizations
We invite classes or individuals of all ages to share your talents and gifts with us. Some groups may include but are not limited to:
• High School or College Service Learning
• Sorority/Fraternity
• Service Clubs
• Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts
• Company Projects
• Unpaid Internships
• Group or individual projects - Shepherd’s Watch
Good Shepherd is proud to offer the Shepherd’s Watch program to residents in their final days of life. Volunteers of the Shepherd’s Watch program offer support through the values of service, compassion, respect and trust. Shepherd’s Watch volunteers are trained to provide emotional support, aroma therapy, music therapy, and spiritual support. This is a free service that can be requested by family and/or staff as needs arise.