The holidays will be vastly different for a lot of people this year, especially seniors. Because of COVID-19, large holiday gatherings are not recommended. That doesn’t mean we all can’t still enjoy the holidays, but we will have to be a little bit creative in how we do so. One of the ways we can still enjoy the holidays is by taking advantage of technology. Hosting virtual holiday events, from streamed Christmas concerts to Zoom family dinners, is a great way to stay in touch. Older adults may not be as accustomed to using technology as younger generations, so it’s important to go over a few technology tips.
Add Your Contacts
Instead of relying on a phone book or scraps of paper, implement your family and friends’ phone numbers right into your phone. Saving them as contacts will make it easy to reach them, rather than trying to remember their phone number each time you want to reach them.
Customize Your Settings
No matter what device you are using, you can customize it so that it is easier for you to use. Play around with the size of the text, the brightness of the screen, and font to increase readability.
Google It
When in doubt, Google it. Google is a great search engine that will provide helpful answers to help you troubleshoot potential problems with your technology. You can easily use it to search for things, like specific companies, even if you don’t know the web address. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your kids or grandchildren to ask them questions if you are unsure how to use something.
Write Down Passwords
In order to protect yourself, be sure to choose complex passwords. You’ll also want to write them down, as it’s easy to lose track of multiple passwords for different sites.
Choose a Touchscreen
Studies show that older adults are able to navigate easier with a touchscreen versus a traditional computer. Choose to use a smartphone or a tablet.
Protect Your Information
Investing in good antivirus protection will protect your private information and your device. Most devices have this technology built in already, but make sure you have it updated. You should also be wary of potential scams. Do not respond to emails from people you do not know, and if you are skeptical about a link, do not click it or provide any personal information.
Here are some tips to help you use Zoom video conferencing.