The Power of Positive Attitude

Since May 2018, I have written a column and each month I “rack” my brain on a topic to write about. I like to take a topic off the top of my head, because at 92, life has given me opportunities where new experiences should provide plenty of topics to draw from.

I started writing because of my Pastor at Faith Lutheran Church.  When I first moved here, Evelyn Cox invited Pastor Anderson to lunch at Shepherd of Grace.  We enjoyed a good lunch and got acquainted through conversation.

Upon leaving the building, we met Carol, Shepherd of Grace Housing Manager, and Pastor told her to keep me busy. Carol immediately thought I should write a column in our monthly newsletter.

After all these years, I thought it was time to tell the history of my monthly words. I have been interested in people’s attitude towards life. Now that I have lived here for quite a while, I have observed a lot of people.  Some people have lived here a long time, and some are just starting a new life here. We all bring an attitude towards life, depending on our experiences.

Most people will readily share their work experience.  We have come from a work society, where work is a major part of our life. Not all of us were ready to give up our independence, moving to a place where help is available. It is hard to admit we have reached a point in life where independence is hard to maintain.

So, you bring with you your attitude toward life, your new life.  A life you now share with other dwellers at Good Shepherd. Most of us here at “SOG” have some physical functional limitation that can affect our attitude towards life. That attitude, if in the negative, can improve just by extending a helping hand or a listening ear to help another person.

The monthly calendar that is delivered to your apartment is a good guide to activities available for you. If you are new, ask for help to understand the way the activities work, and where they are held. Recently two people, Richard and Ruth, promoted the idea of organizing a new tenant council. Staff at Shepherd of Grace and Good Shepherd in Sauk Rapids shared with us how to set up a tenant council.

If you would like to be part of adding activities to our calendar, you can join this group. The main goal is to offer activities that help make your life at Shepherd of Grace more invigorating.


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