Gathering wood. Stacking wood. Cords of wood. These are familiar terms to an era gone by, when a majority of the population used wood for central heating and cooking. Keeping the wood box full probably was one of your duties. Your mother depended on you to have a supply handy so she could cook a hot meal. Things changed with
Jack’s Column
Greetings, I bring you tidings of the great day a Savior was born over 2,000 years ago. His name is Jesus Christ. The season is more complete knowing this reassuring message is proclaimed by song, readings, and wishing each other warm greetings during the season. I am in my 5th year living at Shepherd of Grace Apartments, Becker campus.
Financial Planning for Long-Term Memory Care
When a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or dementia, most family members’ first thoughts are anger or sadness—not how they’ll pay for their loved one’s care. Unfortunately, this means many families are unprepared for the financial burden of memory care. As your loved one’s condition progresses, it will become clear how expensive it can be to get your loved
Handling Resistance from Loved Ones While Moving into Memory Care
There are few things tougher than coming to terms with transitioning your loved one to a memory care facility, but you’re not alone. Memory care is a 24-hour, long-term residential care solution for older adults who are suffering from progressive memory loss diseases, like Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. When your loved one’s memory declines to the point that
Historial Trip December 2022
Dear Jack Column November 2022 UK Trip
Downsizing Tips for Moving into Assisted Living
Transitioning your loved one from their long-term home to an assisted living facility or memory care unit can be difficult. It’s understandable that many older adults find this transition scary and overwhelming—not only are they moving out of their familiar home, but assisted living or memory care apartments are typically smaller than their previous home. Downsizing is an essential part
Jack’s Cabinet of Curiosities: Attitude and Positivity
Easing the Transition to Assisted Living or Memory Care
For aging adults, fear and anxiety often surround the transition to assisted living, especially memory care. While memory care offers distinct benefits for those with dementia or Alzheimer’s, older adults often worry about making friends, adjusting to their new living space, and not seeing their family as often. After you’ve had the conversation about your loved one moving to an