Now, then, and the future

We all have had the experience of living in the now and the then, but what keeps questions before us is the future.  This is probably truer today than in the past.  The speed of change in the technical world leaves many questions before us. Where we live in the United States and our occupation has much to do with

Complete Spring-Cleaning Checklist

Spring is the perfect time to clean your home and get to the tasks you usually avoid. Not only will it make your house feel more welcoming to be in, but participating in spring cleaning has various health benefits for all. Spring cleaning can strengthen your immune system, prevent illness, decrease stress, and even reduce the risk of injuries. When

Learn to Manage Your Allergies and Enjoy Springtime

While we look forward to springtime, we often overlook one consequence: allergies. No one wants to be sniffing and sneezing on a beautiful day outside. While allergies are a pain, they are not uncommon. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, more than 50 million Americans experience allergies each year. There are a variety of reasons people’s allergies

Prepare for the Big Move into Assisted Living

As we age, it gets harder to accomplish our daily tasks like bathing, getting dressed, and managing medications. For many older adults, this opens the door to moving to an assisted living home. There is no “right age” to move into assisted living. Some people move in just above 65, while others come at 84. Regardless of your age, there

The challenge of change

We are presently living through a new challenge. One that is more demanding of our physical and mental strength. Many changes in our lives have already occurred and more to come. You have washed or sanitized your hands more than ever in your life. Your facial expressions, when meeting other people, have been limited to above the nose. You have

Finding Independence in Older Adulthood

February is National Senior Independence Month! Older adulthood is often associated with loss of independence, but with a few preparatory tips, it doesn’t have to. The key to maintaining your independence is to show your family and those who may be worried about you that you are safe. Embrace Technology Embracing technology is a great way to maintain your independence

Heart Healthy Tips for Seniors

February is American Heart Month, where we all aim to do our parts to lessen our risk of heart disease. As an older adult, there are a lot of simple things you can do to do improve your heart health. Know your Risk and Understand Symptoms American Heart Month acts as a great reminder to schedule an appointment with your

Time is of essence

Time is of essence.  As you read this, “Old Man 2020” is long gone and replaced by the “Baby” enshrouded with a banner reading 2021.  The old man from last year looks a bit more weary from the burden of the on-going pandemic.  However, over the past years have proved to be a struggle for humanity. Keeping meaningful records of

Fall Prevention

As we age, our bones can become brittle and break more easily. A fall in older adulthood can mean more than just a broken finger or two. A fall can result in major broken bones, such as a fractured hip or a broken back. Head injuries and even fatal injuries aren’t uncommon in the older population after a fall. It

The Benefits of Tai Chi for Older Adults

As we embark on a new year and hope for a more peaceful, positive, forgiving year, we are all looking for a bit of relaxation that brings about a sense of peace. Tai chi is a great way to find peace, increase flexibility, and improve balance. What is Tai Chi? An ancient Chinese movement practice, tai chi embraces mind, body,