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It is recommended that adults at every age—even older adults—get 150 minutes of exercise each week. Low impact exercises are gentle on the body, but they’re still a great way to get the heart rate up and the blood flowing. Because you’re less likely to fall or injure yourself with low impact exercises, it is the perfect type of exercise for older adults. Keep reading for some low impact exercise ideas like yoga, swimming, and cycling that you can do at home or in your community.
The Benefits of Low Impact Exercise
One of the main benefits of low impact exercise is that it is easy on the joints and it can be performed by nearly everyone. It is good for all activity levels. This makes it perfect for beginners or older adults that suffer from problems in their bones or joints, such as stiffness or pain. Despite how gentle it is, low impact activities can be just as effective as high impact activities, providing the same heart healthy benefits. Low impact does not mean low intensity.
Walking is a low impact exercise that can be done just about anywhere—even in the mall or around the community center! It’s a great exercise to condition the body and it can also help you slim down if that’s something you desire. As long as you have a pair of supportive shoes, walking a couple miles per day provides maximum benefits.
Yoga is also low impact, but it still encourages intense stretching and breathing techniques. It’s recommended for all ages and abilities, but it is especially great for seniors because it can strengthen core muscles and improve balance which can help prevent falls. Check out these tips to help you get started. You could also try out tai chi.
Swimming may be another great option for you. It’s often considered to be “no impact” because of the buoyancy of the water. It is very gentle on the knees and you definitely don’t have to worry about falling. You could swim laps or try out a water aerobics class.
Cycling is a low impact exercise that can help with maintaining cardiovascular health. Studies show that cycling regularly can increase your lifespan because it reduces the risk of chronic disease.
All you need is a low impact exercise routine to live an active, healthy life in older adulthood!