Meet Marie of Shepherd of Grace

Meet Marie of Shepherd of Grace

Meet Marie of Shepherd of Grace


Meet Marie of Shepherd of Grace. Marie was born on January 2, 1929, on a farm in Stewart, Minnesota. Her father was a farmer and her mother was a homemaker. Marie was the oldest girl of eight siblings, with five brothers and 3 sisters. With such a big family and living on the farm, she had many chores including helping to care for her younger siblings, housework, picking eggs and milking cows. She went to country school through the 8th grade. She enjoyed roller skating and playing ball with her siblings.


Her family moved to Elrosa, Minnesota where she met Benno, a neighbor who lived across the field from her family. They dated for a while then got married on October 7, 1947, when she was eighteen years old. Benno was an over the road truck driver, so he was gone a lot. Marie was a homemaker and raised twelve kids, nine girls and three boys. With such a large family, they enjoyed a lot of family time and went to both sides for every holiday. Marie fondly remembers going to Christmas eve services. They would let the kids open one present Christmas eve and then the rest on Christmas day.


Marie prided herself on keeping a beautifully decorated home. She was a magnificent cook. Her specialty was fried chicken that she made in a cast iron pan. The kids rave about her fried chicken and still miss it today! She made wonderful hearty meals and homemade breads and cinnamon rolls. She was a great seamstress and sewed all the kids’ clothes. She even sewed her own wedding dress! When the kids were older, she enjoyed fishing with her girlfriends. They would take the boat out on weekends. She also sang in the church choir.


After the kids were in school, she worked outside the home, first at Fingerhut, then picking eggs for a local farmer, and then at Sunny Fresh in Monticello until she retired. Sadly, Benno passed away in 1990.


After Marie retired, she met and married her second husband, Richard. Richard and Marie traveled to Colorado and California and enjoyed the scenery. Marie also took a trip to Alaska with one of her granddaughters, which was her favorite trip. She loved the beauty and spending this precious time and experience with her granddaughter.


Marie has thirty-two grandchildren, forty-seven great-grandchildren, and 1 great, great-grandchild. She has been most dedicated to her family as witnessed by the many family pictures she displays in her room.


Marie has lived at Shepherd of Grace for ten years. She enjoys the good food, the fun activities, especially BINGO, and the musical entertainment, and all her friendly neighbors. She loves that her family lives close and visits her often.


We are proud that Marie calls Shepherd of Grace home.


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