Jack’s Column

“The Land of 10,000 Lakes” is Minnesota’s name.  Sounds like a lot of water but we have rivers too and many small streams.  Many of our cities started on a lake or river.  In fact, the main mode of transportation was either on foot or canoe before horses were introduced. Early explorers were eager to find a source of the

Jack’s Column

Recently I attended a gala banquet held by an organization called Faith in Action.  This is a yearly activity to raise funds to actually help put their faith in action.  I have been to the banquet in past years, but I am amazed at a gathering of 250 people with a goal to help those less fortunate.  Their helping activities

Jack’s Column

Gathering wood.  Stacking wood.  Cords of wood.  These are familiar terms to an era gone by, when a majority of the population used wood for central heating and cooking. Keeping the wood box full probably was one of your duties.  Your mother depended on you to have a supply handy so she could cook a hot meal. Things changed with

Jack’s Column

Greetings, I bring you tidings of the great day a Savior was born over 2,000 years ago.   His name is Jesus Christ.  The season is more complete knowing this reassuring message is proclaimed by song, readings, and wishing each other warm greetings during the season. I am in my 5th year living at Shepherd of Grace Apartments, Becker campus.

Historial Trip December 2022

How about doing your Christmas shopping and taking in a sight-seeing historical trip.  We were able to do just that in December 1998.  Flying to Christkindlmarkets in Germany and Austria. First stop was Frankfort where our bus and guide were waiting for us.  After an interesting ride through a countryside of small quaint looking villages we arrived at our first

Dear Jack Column November 2022 UK Trip

The recent death and funeral of Queen Elizabeth of the UK and the Commonwealth of Nations brought back memories of our visit to the UK.  So many landmarks, building, and streets still looked familiar to me. This adventure all started when our pastor asked my wife and I if we were interested in a Parish Holiday in England.  He gave

John’s advice

When asked what advice he would give to any young man or woman thinking about serving in the military he states: “We all have fears. That is expected. But it is more important to not fear your fears.” “Do as you are told, take direction well.” “Don’t ever forget the oath you will take.” Oath of Enlistment I, _____, do

John uses his military training in civilian life

As John’s civilian career evolved with law enforcement, his military experience gave him the foundation for success. He credits leadership qualities, strong and clear communication skills, ensuring community security as being guiding principles. John’s community involvement continued after retirement. The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) trained John to prepare and respond to disasters, utilizing fire safety, search and rescue, team

John’s Happy Military Memories

Chicago would be his destination before discharge. John and his buddies walked the city. They hoped to see a White Sox game at Wrigley Field but having money for that kind of event did not seem possible. However, a kind police officer invited them to follow him into an entrance that brought them to the best seats possible – at

Service – Work done by one for the benefit of many.

Join us each week in the month of November for a short blog about John’s military life. John begins his mission For John Heintze, military service defined his commitments, strength of character, love of country and community, and desire to serve. It was John’s intention to volunteer for the draft in 1954 to take advantage of a two-year sign-up rather