Socially Distanced Springtime Activities for Older Adults

Who doesn’t love being outside when the weather is warm? The springtime is a great time for older adults to get their Vitamin D and spend time with nature. There are many benefits people can get from being outdoors. From boosting your energy, immune system, enhancing creativity to even making it easier to exercise, there are so many reasons to

The spirit of giving

Bob enjoys paying it forward and says, “As you age, there is little excitement in life unless you create it.”  He works at it every day and by doing so, he keeps his mind active. He most recently is working on an all-life biography, his sixth book in 10 years. He wants to help and encourage others to also tell

Complete Spring-Cleaning Checklist

Spring is the perfect time to clean your home and get to the tasks you usually avoid. Not only will it make your house feel more welcoming to be in, but participating in spring cleaning has various health benefits for all. Spring cleaning can strengthen your immune system, prevent illness, decrease stress, and even reduce the risk of injuries. When

Time is of essence

Time is of essence.  As you read this, “Old Man 2020” is long gone and replaced by the “Baby” enshrouded with a banner reading 2021.  The old man from last year looks a bit more weary from the burden of the on-going pandemic.  However, over the past years have proved to be a struggle for humanity. Keeping meaningful records of

New Year, Less Clutter!

The New Year is a great opportunity to take a good look at your life and make changes to the things you would like to improve. A great resolution to tackle is to declutter. Many of us have tendencies to collect items, and those items end up in drawers, closets, on countertops, and in other areas in your home. Sometimes

Staying healthy…Minnesota Winter Survival Tips

It’s no secret that I don’t like being cold. Every winter I ask myself, “Why do I live in Minnesota?” The answer is family. It’s hard to move away from those I love just because I don’t like the weather. For those folks who do like the cold, there are many great ways to stay active and healthy during the

Season of Thanks, Giving, and Change During the Pandemic

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.” ~ Melody Beattie   The holidays are such a wonderful time of year. Families gather and memories are created. Although this year due to the Coronavirus pandemic,


“Patience in the present, faith in the future, and joy in the doing.” ~ George Perera We all have a special calling in life. For some of us, it takes a while to figure out what that special gift may be. For others, it is apparent from a very young age. Caregiving is one of those natural special gifts for

Jack’s trip to Northern Canada’s Arctic

Many years ago, in the 1960s, while attending a lyceum program at a high school, my interest in polar bears piqued. A local professional photographer presented a program of slide pictures of his recent trip to Northern Canada’s Arctic region to explore the life of polar bears. Thirty years later my wife and I were able to travel to the

Technology Tips for Seniors

The holidays will be vastly different for a lot of people this year, especially seniors. Because of COVID-19, large holiday gatherings are not recommended. That doesn’t mean we all can’t still enjoy the holidays, but we will have to be a little bit creative in how we do so. One of the ways we can still enjoy the holidays is